Applied Clinical/Private Practice

Fees 2015

Please note that the changes below were the first changes made in 10 years.  These fees have not changed as of November, 2023. 


Evaluations:  $400 to $800

Therapy sessions: $100 to $360 depending on duration


 120 minutes $360.

    90 minutes $270

    60 minutes $180

    45 minutes $150

    30 minutes $100.

Psychological Testing/Assessments:  $200 to $800 (2 to 8 hours)

$100 per unit (hour). [This does not include the time for you to complete measures. It does include professional time for instructions, answering your questions, scoring, interpretation, report writing, discussions with you, and cost of the software and testing materials. ]

Phone-based therapy: $100 to $200 depending on time
             15 to 30 minutes $100

 30 to 45 minutes $150.

             45 to 60 minutes $200



Routine letters to insurance companies - No charge 

Summary letter to your other health care professionals  (including dates of service, diagnosis, and summary)- No charge

Detailed letter to other health care professionals - $200. to $500. 

Special letters - $200. to $800. depending on complexity.


Missed Sessions: (without adequate notice) $50. to $100.


I am a Blue Cross/Blue Shield preferred in-network provider.

AETNA in-network February 2025

I can provide documentation of sessions for patients submitting claims to other insurance companies.

I am not a Medicare Provider.


Sliding Scale:  I do not have a sliding scale. However, I sometimes provide discounts.


Discounts: I provide discounts (e.g., 20 % off regular fees) in particular circumstances


Updated and additional policies as of December 22, 2017  

          BCBS announced substantial reductions in reimbursement that started on October 1, 2017. These were in addition to the substantial reductions in reimbursement made a few years ago. I wanted to continue to serve my BCBS patients, so I made some modest changes that would not adversely affect the quality of care. (Reimbursement increased in 2021.)

My patients have experienced session durations that often extend beyond the 60-minute limit. The longer sessions often allowed me to schedule patients a little less often than might have been needed to cover the evaluations, information gathering, complex issues, recommendations, psychotherapy, and patient preferences and needs.

Many patients probably realized that Blue Cross, via Lucet, only reimbursed for a maximum of 60 minutes, even when sessions are more extended. I rarely discussed this with my patients because I never wanted it to interfere with our sessions.  Longer sessions are no longer practical for me, considering the marked reduction of reimbursement; hence, I am making slight adjustments. The change in my policy and practice.

  • Evaluation sessions will sometimes involve more than 1 session and perhaps 2 to 3 sessions.
  • Psychotherapy sessions will be limited to 60 minutes. However, extra time is sometimes provided at no additional charge to you or your insurance. 
  • Additional psychotherapy sessions will be periodically recommended and planned when indicated.

Together, we will work on adapting together. I will remain available and do all I can to help you. You are my primary responsibility, and your welfare and improvements are my primary goals. 


Reimbursement rates from BCBS increased in 2021. 


These fee options are for your convenience if you cannot send a check or pay with cash. Not all fees are currently listed. Please contact me with any questions.
