Relaxed Breathing Apps
Mark S. Schwartz, Ph.D. (December 06, 2023)
There are many Apps to help assist in learning and using various types of relaxed breathing. I suggest that my patients review the descriptions of several and try a few. I am unaware of any research comparing any of these Apps and breathing techniques. I suspect that there is no such research. I am including a few websites listing many of the Apps and the links to a few to consider first. I have been using one relaxed breathing method for most of my professional life and I believe that there is considerable research demonstrating the usefulness and effectiveness of this and very similar breathing methods. It is the method that considerable research shows best affects HRV. I still recommend starting with and using this method and varying it slightly to fit individual preferences. I am not comfortable with nor do I recommend many of the methods advocated by some sources (4-7-8, Box Breathing, Alternate-Nostril Breathing, Chest breathing, or Lion’s Breath). I also do not recommend cross-legged positions. I recommend abdominal (Diaphragmatic) and “Coherent” or Resonance breathing.
Consider these first in part because they are free and have useful features.