Applied Clinical/Private Practice

Welcome to my website

The information provided will explain my background, my experience, and professional activities, and the services I offer as a clinical psychologist.

My name is Mark S. Schwartz, Ph.D. I am a licensed clinical psychologist now in private practice in Jacksonville, Florida. 

I retired from the Mayo Clinic in December 2004 after 37 years on the staff of Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN 21 years and then Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL from 1988 to 2004. I was chair of Psychology at Mayo Clinic Jacksonville until the year I retired. 


Telehealth / teletherapy services are provided as of April, 2020 via 

AETNA in-network February 2025

in addition to Blue Cross/Blue Shield provider 


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These fee options are for your convenience if you cannot send a check or pay with cash. Not all fees are currently listed. Please contact me with any questions.
