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Biofeedback 4: Theory and Practice (2002) (4th Ed.)
Mark B. Stark, Ph.D., M.D. & Mark S. Schwartz, Ph.D.
Source: Published by Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Science: Institute for Molecular Biology and Biophysics, Novosibirsk, Russia. A few copies are available from AAPB(www.aapb.org) and from me.
Description: This is the 4th edition in a series of Russian books devoted to biofeedback. It is the first time that I had the honor of co-editing it and being associated with Mark B. Stark, Ph.D., M.D. I noted on the dust jacket that I was very pleased to be at the side of Dr. Mark Shtark.
My summary and description of the text:
- The English language parts include:
- Instead of a Preface we wrote: Our thoughts about a few selected aspects of the biofeedback field.
- English abstracts for essentially all articles.
- English translated titles of all articles in Russian.
- English reproductions of 6 articles that originally appeared in American publications, and 1 original article for this book.
Price: $22.50 (plus handling and shipping)
Uses and reasons for purchasing or who might be interested in this text?
- Anyone who wants easy access to copies of the English language publications of some of the contents, some of which are not readily available (e.g. Gevirtz, et al., 2000)
- Anyone who wants to read, in English, the many abstracts of the Russian research in order to understand the type of research they are doing and the results.
- Anyone interested in the views of Mark Stark and me regarding some aspects of biofeedback.
- Anyone interested in the original article about views about the issues involved in working toward a definition of Applied Psychophysiology.
- From the text: “… intended for psychophysiologists, informatics specialists, therapists who deal with regulation disorders and biofeedback methods, psychologists who work with children and adolescents, and sport coaches who are interested in sporting results enhancing.”
- Anyone who wants an attractive book from Russian at a very reasonable price.
- Anyone who reads Russian and is interested in biofeedback.
Contents of all English text articles: English reproductions of 6 articles that originally appeared in American publications, and 1 original article for this book:
- Monastra, V.J., Lubar, J.F., Linden, M. (2001). Development of a quantitative electroencephalographic scanning process for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Reliability and Validity studies. Neuropsychology, 15(1), 136-144.
- Shusterman, V. & Yacobson, I. (2002). Understanding cardiovascular autonomic control: Results, pitfalls, and perspectives. Pp. 151-156 (original article)
- Lehrer, P.M., Vaschillo, E., & Vaschillo, B. (2000). Resonant frequency biofeedback training to increase cardiac variability: Rationale and manual for training. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 25, 177-191.
- Gevirtz, R., Wilhelm, F.H., Roth, W.T. (2000). Respiratory factors in clinical psychophysiology and biofeedback: A review. Verhaltenstherapie, 10, 258-272.
- Kern-Buell, C.L., McGrady, A.V., Conran, P.B. Nelson, L.A. (2000). Asthma severity, psychophysiological indicators of arousal, and immune function in asthma patients undergoing biofeedback-assisted relaxation. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 25 (2), 79-91.
- Andrasik, F., Larsson, B., Grazzi, L. (2001). Biofeedback treatment of recurrent headaches in children and adolescents. In V. Guidetti, G. Russell, M. Sillanpää, & P. Winner. Headache and Migraine in Childhood and Adolescence. London: Martin Dunitz.
- Middaugh, S. J. & Morrissette, D. (2000). Combining EMG feedback with physical therapy for treatment of headache. Biofeedback: The Newsmagazine, Spring, 16-20.
- Original article: Applied Psychophysiology: A Debate of Definitions, by Mark S. Schwartz

- Letter to my children and grandchildren at the time of publication of this Russian book
- Humorous “Top Ten” written by my Psychiatrist colleague and friend T. Carey Merritt, M.D. wrote when this Russian book was published.